Camping at Black Canyon Campground, Westfir, OR

 Camping in the Rv was both exciting and dry.  It rained all night on Saturday and we were stuck  indoors coloring and watching Indiana Jones on my notebook. We almost didn't go, but Noah was so excited to go and he said "we can take our rain jackets" in such a sad voice that both Matt and I caved.

Sunday was filled with sun and we were able to go down to the river and make mini hoodoos, throw rocks in and search for angel wings.  Matt told Noah the "Anglers" sign read "Angels" and that they lived in the water.  We added some magic to the day!

My nature hike with Riley on Sunday afternoon was glorious.  I found all sorts of treasures.

snails were littering the trail with their tiny little bodies.  So cool!

Noah is way into coloring these days.  It might have a little to do with my praising him for his excellent skills.  He's amazing.  He stays in the lines and works like an artist.  

Matt's Hoodoo at the river was much bigger than mine, but Riley knocked his down.  lol

Breakfast in the morning was cooked by my amazing husband and everyone loved it.  I was amazed, Noah usually won't eat scrambled eggs to save his life.  Mixed with the hash, he enjoyed it.  Just don't try to serve it to him at home because that's a camping food only according to him.

Oh, no..... we forgot the ketchup for our hotdogs.  Don't worry though, Mommy will go ask the neighbors to share.  According to Matt, I'm the brave one.

Such a fun couple of days at Black Canyon Campground in Westfir, OR.  I guess maybe I am more of a nature girl than I thought.  
